606)The fantasy of education.(শিক্ষার ফ্যান্টাসি।)- Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman ✒

May 31, 2022 Tuesday 606 http://ow.ly/3ixr103F7Qs )The fantasy of education.(শিক্ষার ফ্যান্টাসি।) – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://mywritingsjunayedmn1.blogspot.com/2019/12/about-me-junayed-ashrafur-rahman.html ✒ "The fantasy of education is the desire to suddenly become rich or great after being educated." https://notepin.co/shared/pirgzld 🌟 Fantasy after being educated ✒ It is true that when a person is educated, in one way or another it becomes a way of life. But when a student, before he is educated, wishes that he would become rich or great overnight, that is, in a short time after receiving education, then it is nothing but an education fantasy. Because after being educated, it is very difficult to use that education and earn honestly and become rich in a short time. Even in some cases almost impossible. It is also true that there are some areas in which there is a chance of suddenly becoming a big man, that is, a rich person. Su...